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Alex is the leader Sarasota needs now

Ray and Casey Pilon

Past County Commissioner and former Florida House of Representatives, Ray Pilon has endorsed her campaign. He said “Alexandra Coe is our best hope to bring common sense back to the Sarasota County Commission. She is intelligent, educated, ethical, and not beholding to special interests. As an elected Charter Review Board member, she knows the county government. People Before Politics is her mantra and she believes the citizens of the county are not currently listened to by most of the commissioners.”

Coe is also endorsed by former Republican Party State Committee Woman, Casey Pilon. She said, “Alex will be a leader committed to managing growth, especially in our rural areas, by judiciously evaluating rezoning requests, special exceptions, and proposals for increased density.”


Keep The Country, Inc. endorses Alexandra Coe for County Commission District 1.She is the Republican who will protect Sarasota’s neighborhoods and our rural lands. It is time for a County Commissioner who will represent us not the developers. For more information visit our website at

— Mike Hutchinson

“The Republican Liberty Caucus of Sarasota County proudly endorses Alexandra Coe for her tireless commitment to fighting government overreach and her unwavering dedication to expanding personal freedom. Alexandra’s adherence to the Liberty Compact Agreement exemplifies her steadfast devotion to the principles of liberty and the mission of our organization.”

— Republican Liberty Caucus of Sarasota County

“America First SWFL Caucus believes in a limited and transparent government. Our mission is to ensure that those who serve us in government uphold America’s founding Principles. Alexandra Coe has proven that she will put these principles over politics and has been relentless in advocating for government transparency. This makes her the ideal candidate who embodies our America First values.”

James Hoel – President

— America First SWFL Caucus

“SCRAC is a chartered affiliate of the Florida Republican Assembly. We believe "everything else will fall into proper place by reforming the Republican Party with Judeo-Christian conservative Constitutionalists with the courage to do what's right." Alex Coe is a fiercely independent Constitutionalist. We are proud to support her for Sarasota County Board of Commissioners.

— Sarasota County Republican Assembly

  A community leader and citizen activist for the health, safety and welfare of all of us...people and the environment.
I support Alexandra Coe because she LISTENS and the finds a way to ACT for you.
— Becky Ayech

Founded in 1948, the Miakka Community Club has worked tirelessly to preserve the unique history of the Old Miakka Community which was settled in 1850.  Its' motto: "Conservation and Preservation of the Rural area". Alexandra Coe will work with the Community Club to ensure this historic rural Community is conserved and the lifestyle is preserved. — Miakka Community Club

For 35 years CGN has worked to protect Sarasota County’s neighborhoods, environment, and mobility and to make growth pay its own way. We endorse Alexandra Coe over the developers’ candidate enthusiastically and without reservation. Alexandra Coe is a bright, talented, proven, unbought, unsold leader of principle, who knows how to listen and act in the citizens’ interests. — Control Growth Now

It’s exciting to have Alex in our corner supporting the people of Sarasota. A new voice a new era. Let’s stand behind her and allow Sarasota to thrive for the people. — Susan Kucia

Alexandra is one of the most intelligent and levelheaded women I know. Her practices are fair and her passion is consistently real for the betterment of all. — Diane Lane
Small business owner

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Paid for and Approved by Alexandra Coe, Republican, for Sarasota County Commission District 1
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